Rule of Thirds; Reivers Shotgun Sports Grab Third ICCAC Win, Finish Third in Brainerd
Blair, NE | Brainderd, NE
The 2020 fall season reached the midway point last week as IWCC Shotgun Sports participated in two events.
The first, a virtual event at the Reivers' range in Blair, Nebraska, saw the squad top ICCAC rival Indian Hills, 482-446. The victory improved the team's record to 3-1 in virtual shoots versus conference competition with two remaining on the schedule. Weston Zolck, was Weston Zolck, leading the way with 99/100 targets. While Mitch Germany missed just two targets to finish behind the leader.
- Weston Zolck 99/100
- Mitch Germany 98/100
- John DeFord 96/100
- Caleb Loftus 96/100
- Clayton Moore 93/100
In live action, the Reivers faced off against the field in Brainerd, Nebraska in the Concordia Invitational. A tough first day dug a hole for IWCC, but the Reivers finished with momentum. Zolck again was tops for the Reivers, nailing 270 out of 300 targets. The Sophomore out of Herman, Nebraska finished strong, tying for first on the Red Course, the final sporting clay course of the weekend. Jacob Slieter and Tristan Lundvall each finished tied for the second highest finishes by a Reivers, while Tevin Statzer and Clayton Moore rounded out the Reivers top five.
- Weston Zolck 270/300
- Jacob Slieter 253/300
- Tristan Lundvall 253/300
- Tevin Statzer 251/300
- Clayton Moore 250/300
"Despite our lack of actual meets, we're shooting well in live competition." Head Coach Derek Pollock said of the performance in Brainerd, "We'll need to buckle down as we close out the last half of the season to see some success in the spring".
The Reivers will shoot twice again this week. Virtually against Southwestern CC and live versus the field in the Hastings Invitational from Grand Island, Nebraska on Saturday.
Follow the team on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/iwccshotgunsports or Twitter https://twitter.com/ReiverTrapShoot for results, news, photos, and more.