Reiver Dance Auditions

Submit video audition by 11:59pm on May 23rd

Video Audition Criteria and Guidelines

1) State your Full name and where you are from

2) Demonstrate the following technical skills:

  1. Double pirouette
    1. demonstrate as many as you are able (triple, quad, and beyond)
  2. Double coupe turn
    • Demonstrate as many as you are able
  3. **Comp team prospects: A la Seconde Turns
    • Demonstrate as many as you are able
  4. **Comp team prospects: advance turning combo
    • Show off your most advance turning skills
  5. Jete’
    • Demonstrate both a forward split leap & a leap in second
  6. **Comp Team Prospects: Demonstrate Calypso
  7. Right and left battement 
  8. Toe touch, double toe touch
  9. **Comp Team Prospects: demonstrate a kip up
  10. **Comp Team Prospects: demonstrate aheadspring
  11. **Comp Team Prospects: demonstrate any tumbling or advance hip hop tricks
  12. **Comp Team Prospects: demonstrate a 16 count across the floor combo showcasing your most advanced skills


Do not count yourself out if you do not have a specific technical skill. I am looking for hard working, dedicated, kind, and coachable student-athletes who will work hard in building a foundation for Reiver Dance Team. 

What to Wear:

  1. Black leggings or capris
  2. Black sports bra or form fitting tank
  3. Jazz shoes
  4. Hair and makeup “game day ready”
  5. Please have tattoos and piercings (other than earlobes) covered/ taken out, or a clear plug inserted


Video guideines/tips

-video clips should be clear and taken from an appropriate distance. While you will not be judged on the ability to edit your videos, please do your best to create a professional viewing experience. 

Please provide video of all skills requested for the level you would like to be considered for; to be considered for competition team, all skills with an (*) should be demonstrated.


How to send in video:

You may have trouble sending your video by email due to the size of the file. I recommend uploading your video to youtube, change the settings to 'unlisted' and then emailing the link to Coach Patterson @

Contact Coach Patterson for any questions